Damonte Hill

Damonte Hill

On the U of I campus, I took my first Afro class which was called “Black women in the diaspora”. The class talked about black women around the world, not just in the United States, who have made contributions to the success of the black community as a whole. One of the most memorable aspects of the course was the inspiring films we watched featuring black women. Queen Of Katwe was a very powerful film that gave the message that when you put your mind to something, you can overcome the obstacles as long as you believe in your abilities and stay true to yourself.

During the summer after the Spring 2019 semester, I took my second African American History class and I had an amazing time. The course exposed me to new ideas and concepts that I never knew about.

After graduation, I plan to begin working and possibly try to start my own business. I am also hoping to find an African American History-related internship either int the Champaign-Urbana area, or back in Chicago where I currently reside.

Some advice that I would offer students is to take advantage of the life-changing opportunities offered on campus and through the Department of African American Studies. Learning about the history of African Americans is so important because it shows the remarkable achievements and struggles we have overcome, and the accomplishments we continue to make.